Internet of Things (IoT) :


Internet of Things (IoT) :

  • Internet of Things (IoT) also known as Internet of Everything concept first became popular in the year 1999.
  • Internet connects People, so it is called "the Internet of People". And Internet of Things (IoT) connected things so it is called "the Internet of Things".
  • IoT connected things for example, mobile is connected to Internet, and bulb is connected to Internet, Temperature monitor device connected to Internet.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging topic for all sectors such as technical, social, and economic significance.
  • The Internet of Things helps people live and work smarter as well as gain complete control over thier lives.
  • IoT enables companies to automate processes and reduce labor costs.
  • Things can be Objects, Machines, Buildings, Animals, People, etc.


The 4 Flavors of The Internet of Things: 

  • 1- The Internet of flying stuff: Connected “things” that move above the earth’s surface.The most recent move in developing the vision or the reality of the Internet of flying stuff was of course Amazon’s unveiling of its experimental Prime Air and its delivery drones.

  • 2- The Internet of moving stuff: Connected “things” that move on and below the earth’s surface.  There’s emerging interest in the potential benefits of connecting to underground systems, but the focus today is on the most visible moving things in our world: cars.

  • 3- Internet of social stuff: Connected content in context or making sense of the quintillions of bytes connected people create every day. Facebook recently announced the formation of a working group that will “use new approaches in AI to help make sense of all the content that people share so we can generate new insights about the world to answer people’s questions.”

  • 4- Internet of talking stuff: Connecting moving and stationary “things” that communicate. This is all about user interface and it is Apple’s turf to lose.

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